There are a lot of guides out there on how to pop up on a shortboard but here’s what makes this one different:
I’ve taught the pop up to literally hundreds of students - if not thousands. In fact it’s the most important part of the learning process.
You see, if the pop is executed poorly, the rest of your surfing will suffer.
In this post I’m going to be going fully in depth (like never before) and show you exactly how to pop up, alongside my surfing tutorial video and reveal to you the easiest method to learn quickly.
Let’s jump in.
Let’s start with the brutal truth, shall we?
Learning to surf on a shortboard is virtually impossible at the best of times. Nevermind in the early stages of developing your surfing skills.
Here’s why:
Any assistance you can get with your equipment take it.
If your struggling to pop up, find a board with more volume. This could be anything from a 6’9 fiberglass to an 8 foot foamie. What's important is, practising in real time.
Not on the beach, not in your bedroom and not behind a boat.
You’ll never have a chance in hell otherwise at improving your surfing.
You’ve probably heard the statement - “old habits die hard” and it’s true to an extent.
A more accurate statement would be…
Bad habits must die!
If that’s hard to understand, think about it this way.
Watching the pop up in slow motion is an excellent way to fully break down each of the movements into the tiniest of details.
Let’s face it.
Everything happens so quickly in surfing it’s impossible to know where your mistakes are coming from.
But, when the pop up is slowed down, frame by frame you get a better understanding of what you need to be doing and at what stage.
Once you learn the formula to perfecting your pop up, it’s then up to you, to ditch your bad habits and start implementing new ones.
Even if this means one step forward two steps back.
Because, in the long run your entire surfing performance will advance once you eliminate any bad habits you’ve picked up along the way.
When you’re a beginner, knowing when to pop up gets confusing.
Should I wait until I done the face? Or maybe once the wave is already breaking?
These questions and more are common among surfers who are transitioning from big board to shortboard and from surfing the white water to surfing the green waves.
Luckily I have the answer...
When to pop up on a wave?
The answer is…
You must pop up at about 2/3rd of the wave’s height.
There are two reasons for this:
Any later and you’ll be travelling too far down the waves face to pop up.
This isn't good...
If you happen to get to your feet, it’s pretty likely your going to have a lip break right behind you and catapult you forward.
On the other hand if you’re too early, you’ll be standing on the top part of the wave, with zero momentum to carry you further forward.
Use this formula each time your popping up.
You won’t go wrong.
It’s hard, right?
Consistently popping up, making sure you’re in the right position. Shooting down the face of a green wave. Within a short second it’s all over.
How are you supposed to remember all the little details and do it over and over again?
Surfing can be strangely stressful at times.
And I have news for you:
It’s completely normal. We hear it from students all the time and we’ve learned exactly how to deal with it.
Surfing Pop Up Exercises.
Sounds like a load of BS, hear me out…
Popping up requires one continuous explosive movement of balance and skill.
All skills take practice and repetition. The more you practice the more muscle memory you will build.
When you perform surfing pop up exercise you will mimic the exact movement patterns, force and timing of a real pop up.
Through the repetition of these exercises they will eventually become hard-wired into you brain.
Meaning, next time your out in the water, your body muscle memory remembers the movement and kicks into action.
The results will be a more pop in your pop up and an increased success rate.
The good news; surfing pop up exercises can be performed anywhere.
Try it out for yourself.
Okay, you’re struggling to pop on a shortboard?
Before you start shouting and cursing and giving up all together, consider these two options.
The extra board volume is going to make it easier to catch waves. The more volume the more buoyancy. This will help with slowing down your pop up so you can practice the correct technique.
Once you’re pop up becomes second nature, speed it a little.
Think about it like this.
Our Surf School in Mount Maunganui - and others all around the world -always have big foam boards for students learning to surf.
There is a reason why they use these boards.
The success rate in popping up with boards with more volume is so significantly higher than shortboards.
By increasing your boards volume you will experience immediate benefits to your surfing.
The pop up is a dynamic and explosive movement. And, it’s a movement not usually practiced in your day to day life.
Building strength, endurance and overall increased fitness levels will see an immediate impact on your pop up.
Here's what you need to know.
Surfing a shortboards will require an additional levels of fitness, not often experienced in the gym or any other fitness discipline.
This is why you’ve probably heard the term surf fit.
The range of muscle surfing uses is difficult to replicate out of the water.
It’s quite simple.
The more surf fit you are, the easier it will be to pop up.
I’m going to let you in on a little secret…
There is a technique which is used by us, because it simply works.
We’ve tried and tested many different variations of the pop up but there’s one that comes up trumps time and time again.
It’s known as the Chicken Wing Pop Up.
Earlier we talked about when to pop up a shortboard. Now let’s go back and explain a little more detail about the chicken wing technique.
Getting to your feet is ideally when your on the ⅔ of the wave height. As soon as you feel the wave take you, you need to get your hands right back near your pectorals.
But, our instincts tell us otherwise...
You see, as your surfboard points down hill on the waves face you have that feeling strong feeling that your falling forwards.
And our natural instinct is to put our hands out in front of us.
For instance when you go behind someone and push them, their natural instincts is to throw their hands forward to protect themselves from hitting the ground.
If you put your hands in front of you on a surfboard - by your shoulders or by your ears , it’s IMPOSSIBLE to stand up.
To counteract this, you need to put your hands right back in the chicken wing position. Near your pectorals.
When you have your hands down here, it’s much easier to bring your feet though.
And this process of standing up that stops you from nose diving.
PRO TIP: Do NOT place your knees on the board at any time
Here’s the bottom line.
Laying good foundations early is a key to your future progression.
It’s these solid foundation that you will experience a consistent and reliable pop up, everytime.
Is it easy?
Hell no, usually a lot of work.
But this is how you win.
'nough said. Now it's your turn.
Let me know in the comments below how these tips have helped with your pop up.
Talk soon,
Ex WQS warrior, and all-round frother - Loz is the technical coaching queen at the House of Surf.
She is also a mindset and life coach and has a habit of living in her van way too much.
Thanks for the pointers